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The roots of the MODES reach to the early 80-ties. The software was developed in the frame of PhD. Study on the Czech Technical University of Prague. The personal computers made possible using of this software for education and teaching of electrical engineering students.

The library of the dynamic models was extended in frame of international studies dealing CENTREL power systems interconnection to the UCPTE system. This library covers all spectrum of excitation and prime movers system used in the Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak power systems (made up the CENTREL) and compatible with IEEE models et the same time.

The used models make possible wide range of simulation from the classical transient stability to the long term dynamic. The software was tested together with the others nine software from the Europe, USA and Japan in frame of CIGRE task ”Long term dynamics”.

The MODES is daily used in Power system analysis department of the Czech Transmission Company (CEPS). It is used in the many Czech and Slovak company on commercial base (in frame of licence agreement) and free of charge on universities for education and research.

Design by Pavel Vágner ©, Copyright 2002, All rights reserved